Career Development Event - Evaluation Teams



The Kiel FFA Members of the Dairy Products Judging Team competed in National Competition at this years National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. October 30 - November 2.


After competing at the State Level this year and placing 1st at the State Level, the Kiel Dairy Products Judging Team placed 31st in the Nation at the National Competition!


Congratulations to Coach Kert Henning and his Team: Briana Riesterer, Jenna Schweitzer, Jessica Sabrowsky and Laura Mueller


The Dairy Products Team is challenged in three different areas.
I. Milk Flavor Identification and Evaluation

In the first section of the Dairy Foods Event, participants are given the opportunity to taste, identify and score various milk samples. Flavor defects will be identified and flavor scores assigned to each of the eight milk samples.
II. Cheese Flavor Identification and Evaluation
In the second section of the contest, ten cheese samples will be identified but not scored. The cheese samples will be cut into cubes with a cross section displayed on a plate. Uncolored cheeses may be used. Eight sediment discs will be scored
III. Written Exam
In the third section of the contest, the written exam will consist of fifty questions (multiple choice and true/false) on milk production, milk quality, milk marketing and dairy foods.



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