


An informational meeting was held August 1, 1973, to organize a FFA Alumni chapter. An intensive drive was made to recruit charter members. Kiel has a roll of 47 charter members.



The first officers were: Chairman – Gary Vondrachek, Chairman–Elect – Wayne Koene, Secretary – Colleen Kramer, and Treasurer – Dale Staude.


Annual dues were set at $5.00.


In 1998, A 25th Anniversary celebration was held. A large crowd enjoyed flashbacks of the past twenty-five years with a slideshow and an enlightening presentation from the guest speaker, Floyd Doering.


This year marks forty years as a chartered Alumni chapter. We can pride ourselves with being active and successful in achieving the goals of the Kiel FFA Alumni chapter.





Alumni Group 1987



Charles Arnhoelter dec.


Rodney Rabe

Richard Buchholz


Dennis Schwartz

Daniel Christopherson


Eugene Schwartz

Herber Dickman


Roman J. Backhaus

Richard Mangan dec.


Eugene Binversie dec.

Edward M Hoefler


Robert Binversie

Claude Kent dec.


Stanley Binversie

Arvin Klemme dec.


Larry Conrad

Wayne Koene


Dennis Graf

David Lallensack


Joel Graf

Michael Lallensack


Dan G. Jindra

Donald Lorfeld dec.


Michael R. Koenig

James R. Meyer dec.


Colleen A. Kramer

Elroy Mueller


Robert C. Kraemer

Myron Mueller


Carl Mauser

Leander Nohl


Earl Mathes dec.

Donald H. Sixel dec.


Eugene Stoeckigt dec.

Truman Torgenson dec.


Edwin Voight

Harvey Stangel


Eugene Voight dec.

Mark Voland dec.


Carl Ziegler

Hallie Newlun


Bill Hoeft

James Ferris


Gordon Raquet

Gary Vondrachek


Stanley Zielanis dec.

Ralph A Kramer dec.






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